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"Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which He hath purchased with His own blood."

Acts 20:28

Christian Support Ministries

These ministries deal with the spiritual growth, development, and specific needs of each member of FBC. Each ministry is to design and tailor all learning and activities towards the spiritual growth of God's People.

Worship Service Ministries  

All ministries which take an active part in the regular Sunday & Wednesday Services as well as any Church-wide celebration Services, are coordinated together.  These ministries are to unite their efforts to insure that all (members and visitors) who enter this Church feel the warmth of God's love unconditionally.  Members should always feel as if they are returning home when coming to the Worship Services.

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Christian Outreach and Evangelism Ministries

The purpose of the Outreach Ministries is to attend to the needs of people who find themselves in situations which prohibit them from attending the corporate Worship Services.  These ministries are designed to share God's love with everyone regardless of their circumstances or situation in life.

Christian Education Ministries

The Christian Education Ministries encompass all Christian education activities, studies, learning & instruction in and associated with God's Word.

Music Ministries

Music is a key and vital part of the Worship Service.  Each choir, musician, and soloist participating in the Worship Service is to keep in mind that their gift and anointing is designed to bring the congregation into the presence of God through praise an worship, and to prepare the hearts of those present to receive the preached Word of God.

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